Post 1,
Hello you've heard it said “once gay always gay,” but you know what, it's a lie. Some people are happy being gay, but some people are not happy. They would like something different. And for those who have this need and desire, I'm here to help. Feel free to check out my website, growthbeyondgay.com, and for even more help, check out our book Homosexuality Reframed: Growth Beyond Gay.
Post 2
Hello again. In gay circles you've probably heard the saying, “So many men and so little time.” Accessing other men's phallus is a high priority among most gay men. Why? Behavior is purposeful and meaningful to the individual executing it. The most important question is why these interactions are sought in the face of terribly harsh criticism and censor. Stick with me and I'll help you understand why. Remember, knowledge is power!
Post 3
Apparently, same-sex erotic engagements do not suffice, for that urgency generally persists throughout life, even when men are in emotionally committed relationships. Surely gay men's legitimate needs have not been met, at least partially, because they've bought into these lies of “Born that way can't change” and “Once gay always gay.” False ideas are harmful because they take people's lives off course, preventing them from pursuing richer, more fulfilling objectives.
Post 4
Donald Webster Cory, the father of the American gay liberation movement, declared that gay boys would remain gay till their last breath. But the good news is that there is a logical explanation for the obligatory nature of homosexuality. Armed with new knowledge, for those who desire, the gay journey can change. Behavior is lawful and there exists a clearly discernible pathway into the homosexual complex which also signals the way beyond it.
Post 5
For the most part straights and gays do not understand each other. It's like they are from different planets. The purpose of my blog is pro-gay, to help both straight and gay men better understand this enduring conundrum and learn how boys become gay derailed in their march to psychosexual maturity. I wish also to speak to the great evils of homophobia and homo-hatred, particularly the ignorance and misinformation surrounding gay men's needs. I hope also to affirm the worth of all who have found themselves same-sex attracted whether or not they wish to change. Straight or gay, we are brothers.
Post 6
Listen carefully now as I share two significantly important truths about the ideology of homosexuality. they are absolute, and most gay men will likely sense or believe these concepts to be true. Any discussion of homosexuality must rest upon these two foundational points. They need to be acknowledged and accepted generally. First, young boys do not choose to be gay. Very early in their lives they recognize they are different from other boys. And second, that existential awareness of being different and apart from other boys exists long before their relational needs become tied to erotic desire. I hope we can continue our discussion. Check out our book on Amazon, Homosexuality Reframed: Growth Beyond Gay.