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TikTok Post 51



  There is unnecessary misunderstanding between gays and straights. Two aphorisms are relevant. First, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The relationship between gays and straights has been broken and needing fixed for quite a while. Second, “the truth will make you free.” Truth is needed, for misinformation and error have come from both camps. The original straight fixers got the whole matter of same-sex attraction wrong and sent gay men off in the wrong direction. And gays have given up on thoughts of change. Activists’ knee-jerk reaction has been to discount any hint that may be a bit divergent from the “gay is good” and” “no possibility of change” agenda. Their auto response is to attack the messenger.

   But no one is trying to force anyone back into the closet or prevent men from accessing each other sexually. The point is: gay life doesn’t glitter for all. And as for life generally, gays get less than half a loaf and deserve much better. They’ve been abused so long they’ve become like wounded animals that simply can’t trust a helper.

        It's high time for gays to sheath their claws  and cease clamoring “Foul.” In the past, a lot of truths have been swept under the carpet. Reports from gay men about their early childhoods and relationships are legitimate features. Their importance and relevance in the evolution of obligatory homosexuality figures highly in any explanation of etiology. As the truth of those interrelated consistencies are recognized and accepted, options for conciliation will likely be seen more clearly and enthusiastically supported by both sides. 

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