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TikTok Post 42


Post 42.   Posted Wednesday, 1/1/25


           My objective is to continue framing the pattern of antecedent events that gives rise naturally to the development of homosexuality. As the issue is more clearly defined, increased options for choice and self-direction will be convincingly apparent.

        The words and ideas of homosexuals and others support a different, rational definition of homosexuality, one that departs from antiquated psychoanalytic models and so-called conversion therapy. More concise ideas regarding the purpose and process of homosexuality will provide same-sex attracted boys and men logical alternatives and encourage heterosexuals and those from gay backgrounds to harmoniously work together to achieve mutually desired goals.

               It was the highly esteemed gay psychiatrist, Harry Stack Sullivan, who brought attention to the importance of “chumships.” He observed that boys who grew up gay had not been socially integrated with their same-gender peers. They did not get close to their fathers and subsequently to other boys. Being on the outside of their gender tribe, looking in and wanting in, but feeling unable to get in, is a hugely important feature of homosexuality.

         Psychiatrist, Eugene Kaplan wrote that “…homosexual behavior may be seen as a final common pathway chosen by the individual because of his own unique and diverse experiences and relationships.” He suggested that homosexual behavior could be understood as being more in the service of valuing particular others of their own gender and desiring to be like them than experiencing sex per se. Kaplan stated, “The fusion of the need for a model, a sense of personal inadequacy, and an undifferentiated but powerful sexual drive may well result in a homosexual adaptation.”

         Indeed, homosexual orientation is not directly chosen. It develops in response to emotional trauma, an uninvited circumstance resulting in relational deprivation and ongoing need.  Same-sex sexuality is adjustive behavior, the outgrowth of boys’ failure to adequately identify and be one with their fathers and peers.

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